För att visa sitt stöd mot rasism och diskriminering i alla dess former, har Mercedes valt att. byta ut sin Silver Arrow mot en svart variant för F1 säsongen 2020 – Black Arrow!

För 2020 har vi valt att tävla i en helt svart livery som ett offentligt löfte för att förbättra mångfalden i vårt team – och ett tydligt uttalande om att vi står emot rasism och alla former av diskriminering. Uppmaningen till ’End Racism’ kommer att visas på båda bilarnas Halo, och det enade F1-initiativet #WeRaceAsOne kommer att synas på speglarna på W11.
“It’s so important that we seize this moment and use it to educate ourselves whether you are an individual, brand or company to make real meaningful changes when it comes to ensuring equality and inclusivity. I have personally experienced racism in my life and seen my family and friends experience racism, and I am speaking from the heart when I appeal for change. When I spoke to Toto about my hopes for what we could achieve as a team, I said it was so important that we stand united. I would like to say a huge thank you to Toto and the Mercedes Board for taking the time to listen, to talk, and to really understand my experiences and passion, and for making this important statement that we are willing to change and improve as a business. We want to build a legacy that goes beyond sport, and if we can be the leaders and can start building more diversity within our own business, it will send such a strong message and give others the confidence to begin a dialogue about how they can implement change.”
Lewis Hamilton