FIA Stewards för Spaniens GP har bestämt att incidenten mellan Mercedes Nico Rosberg och Lewis Hamilton var en race-incident. Därmed får ingendera av förare någon bestraffning för händelsen.
Ett bra beslut anser jag själv, som inte heller ser det som något annat en än race-incident. Skönt att se att förare får kämpa och försvara sig utan att oroa sig för straff.
Beslutet från FIA Stewardsen.
Art 27.7 requires the leading driver to leave room, if there is a “significant portion” of the car attempting to pass alongside. Car 44 had a portion of his front wing inside Car 6 small fractions of a second prior to Car 44 having to leave the right side of the track to avoid an initial collision, which may have led him to believe he had the right to space on the right. Once on the grass on the side of the track Car 44 was no longer in control of the situation.
Having heard extensively from both drivers and from the team, the Stewards determined that Car 6 had the right to make the maneuver that he did and that Car 44’s attempt to overtake was reasonable, and that the convergence of events led neither driver to be wholly or predominantly at fault, and therefore take no further action.
Källa: FIA